PSEN Faculty
The PSEN faculty listed below provides instruction, facilitation or logistical arrangements for either our European and/or United States based training programs. We have included here information about our administration team, who work behind the scenes to make our training experiences possible.

Irene Tobler
Irene Tobler, alongside with Michael Mervosh is the co-founder of the PSEN Training, which originated in 2006. She teaches methods of process facilitation grounded in one’s embodiment and mindful awareness of the “Here and Now” in the therapeutic relationship.
Irene Tobler is a body-oriented therapist, group leader and PSEN trainer. She is also a licensed naturopath, certified homoeopath and Brennan Healer.
In her private practice since 1990, in Switzerland and internationally, Irene had the opportunity to gather extensive clinical experience working with clients from many different cultural and language backgrounds.
Irene has been teaching workshops and training internationally since 1998. She has also been co-leading the Hero’s journey for Women in the USA ( since its beginnings, facilitating deep encounters with one’s interior through the elements of nature and community.
Irene has a deep passion for the Journey of Awakening and the depth of the psyche, and she has been deeply involved in mindfulness-based Buddhist practices and yoga since 1980.

Michael Mervosh
Michael, along with Irene Tobler, is a co-founder and co-creator of PsychoEnergetics, which originated in 2006. He teaches methods that support transpersonal experience, and the deepening of psychological awareness, through attention to the body and interior energy processes that are grounded in present moment space and time.
Michael is a licensed clinical psychologist who founded MGM Psychological Associates, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the United States. He has been devoted to full-time private practice, providing intensive individual and group psychotherapy more than 22 years. He originally honed his psychotherapy skills through four years of training at the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, in Ohio, with an emphasis on both working with individuals and working with body processes.
Michael has been in ongoing training and supervision ongoingly for many years, through which he has incorporated approaches from Gestalt, Radix, Object-Relations, BioEnergetics, Developmental Character Styles, body-oriented psychotherapies, Jungian archetypes, energy healing and a deep immersion in the mythological teachings of Joseph Campbell.
His founding work is with the Hero’s Journey Foundation, which he has cultivated over the past 16 years. This work is a unique and specialized blend of personal, mythical and spiritual transformation work, making use of inspiring wilderness environments to deepen self awareness and embrace unifying life experiences. Many people have come from various traditions, cultures and countries over the years to experience this deep level of personal, communal and nature-based support.
This way of being conscious greatly assists those who seek successful passage through significant life transitions. It is also very useful for those seeking to overcome the personal obstacles and self-imposed limitations that hinder personal development and unifying experiences. He also provides consultation to offer these unique developmental opportunities to organizations and private groups.
Michael also spent four years in training, and then an additional thirteen years teaching, at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing in Miami, FL. He was a senior faculty member there, and completed his teaching in 2010 as the Dean of Advanced Studies in Brennan Integration Work. As the AS Dean, he created, designed, implemented and taught an in-depth training curriculum for body-mind healing and personal development; this curriculum was then brought to Austria and Japan.
In the various process work he teaches, Michael pays particular attention to the human energy system, and its interplay with body-mind organization. Michael has an enduring passion for the co-creation and enlivening of unfolding developmental processes, and its potential to engender or restore vitality and well-being in individuals, groups and organizations.
At this point in his life, having a lot of fun is an essential component to his embodiment, and is a source of life for his passionate approach to his work and his life.

Josef Beraha
Josef was born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela; he currently resides in Miami, FL. He has a BA in marketing and advertising he worked in his family’s business for over 20 years. He has been trained in Transformational Breath Work, Past life Regression Hypnotherapy, and Family Constellation Therapy. He also trained in PsychoEnergetics in psychotherapeutic work and the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, where he was a faculty member.
Josef is also actively involved in the Hero’s Journey Foundation. He serves as a board member and a group facilitator. He is currently a faculty member of the PshycoEnergetics Training programs in Spain and the US.
Josef’s passion is to support and facilitate individuals and groups, to create an opportunity to experience a sense of wellness, full aliveness and empowerment.

Jimena Galfaso
Jimena has been with the PsychoEnergetics staff since 2011. As part of the organizational team, Jimena enjoys being your primary contact person for PsychoEnergetics Training in both the United States and Europe.
Her background as a physician and a graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing have shaped her commitment to deepening her own self-awareness, and have deeply informed her way of working with clients. She continues to strive towards integrating the various aspects of the human consciousness system.
She has 20 years of experience in the healing arts, and has been involved with the Hero’s Journey Foundation’s depth work since 2008. Jimena is passionate about the joy, vitality and freedom inherent in accepting her own humanity and vulnerability; her current path of learning is devoted to the importance of laughter, and taking herself less seriously.

Joana Carvalho
Joana was born in Lisbon, Portugal. Yoga has been part of her personal practice since a young age. She is certified as yoga and meditation instructor (Spain, 2005) and she’s been teaching yoga since that time.
Her interest in a body-mind approach led her to study Traditional Thai Massage (Thailand, 2006), Indian Head Massage (Portugal, 2006) and Regressive Therapy and Integral Development (AlmaSoma, Portugal, 2007).
She graduated from the first PSEN generation (Spain, 2011) after which she completed a 3 year intern program assisting the PSEN Spain Faculty and group. Since 2015, she is a PSEN Spain faculty member.
She is also a supervisor and teacher for personal transformational processes in AlmaSoma (Portugal). She has extensive experience working with groups in social exclusion risk. She currently co-facilitates on-going process groups based on the PSEN approach. She has a private practice in Lisbon, Portugal.

Verónica Lassus
Verónica is a Faculty member for the PSEN Spain Training Group.
She is also the primary contact person for PSEN in Europe. She warmly welcomes and assists participants throughout their PsychoEnergetics journey and supports the expansion of our community.
A deep commitment to her journey of self-discovery, growth and healing brought her to PsychoEneregetics Training. She is a PSEN Spain graduate (2013) and she completed an additional PSEN training year in Advanced Facilitation (2015). She is also a certified Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist (Karuna Institute with Franklyn Sills, UK, 2014). She has a private practice in Barcelona as a body oriented therapist.
She is a group facilitator for teams, organizations and institutions that aim to build a better world for all.
Verónica holds a Master degree of Science in Economics (UPF, 2004) and has extensive experience in the corporate world. She is an Adjunct Professor at UPF, where she teaches Strategy with a conscious and ethical approach.

Adrian Siegrist
Adrian was born and lives in Switzerland. After Art School he founded a painting company for buildings which he led for 30 years. He completed a training to become a Waldorf teacher. Through a physical crisis he developed a deep understanding for personal transformation and committed himself to be in touch with the red thread in his live.
He finished the Barbara Brennan School of Healing (Europe) in 2009. He graduated the Baby Therapy Course at the Institute for Pre and Perinatal Education (IPPE) with Karlton Terry.
He was trained as a Craniosacral Therapist at the school of craniosacral osteopathy with PhD R. Merkel.
He is a PSEN Spain graduate (2014) and he completed an additional PSEN training year in Advanced Facilitation (2015). He is currently a Faculty member of the PSEN Spain Training Group.
He has a private practice in Basel, Switzerland.

Jose Ferry
Jose Ferry lives in Alicante, Spain. He is a PSEN graduate (2014) and completed two additional years of Advanced Training (2015 & 2016). He is a PSEN Spain Training Group Faculty memeber.
He studied engineering, moved by his deep passion for mathematics and physics. He developed a career working at a golf resort, achieving the positions of greenskeeper and vice principal. He has a long standing Buddhist practice and has been trained in mindfulness: MBSR (mindfulness based stress reduction) and MSC (mindfulness self-compassion). He is the coordinator of the Alicante Mind Body Center and he has a private practice as a PSEN facilitator and mindfulness teacher.
Music is one of Jose’s greatest passions and he particularly enjoys an improvisational style.

Nynke Sikkema
Nynke was born and lives in the Netherlands, at the moment in Amsterdam.
Nynke has been in ongoing training and supervision in coaching, process work and energy reading. She finished five years of Core Energetics in 2013 and is a PSEN graduate (2018).
She is a faculty member in the PSEN Spain Training Group.
Since 2008 she has her own business and for almost 18 years she is a professional trainer, facilitator, supervisor and executive coach for the corporate world.