Hotel Eden Roc
Site of PSEN Training in Spain
PsychoEnergetics Training Groups in the US and Europe
PSEN Training Resources:
Trainees will build ongoing connections with fellow learners.
PSEN provides audio recordings of the lectures and guided mindfulness meditations offered during the training week, as well as other written material, in a private website for trainees.
General Information
Our United States and European Training Groups each consist of 40-60 students, depending on the site. All training content and teaching is provided by Michael Mervosh and Irene Tobler, in all four training years.
They are assisted with facilitation and organization by Josef Beraha and Jimena Galfaso in the United States.
They are assisted in Spain with facilitation, translation, and organization by Josef Beraha, Joana Carvalo, Veronica Lassus, Adrian Siegrist and Jose Ferry, along with the intern Nynke Sikkema.
We use a circular learning model for our training, which allows us to accept a certain percentage of new trainees in our training annually.
We prefer that our trainees have prior experience and training in either psychotherapy, body-oriented work, or energy work.
Facts About PSEN Training
The trainee/teacher ratio is on average 11 to 1.
The training commitment is for four years.
Each year consists of three 5 day training weeks.
Trainees must have prior professional experience with personal development work.
This circular enrollment gives our new PSEN trainees the opportunity to be immersed in the flow and energy of an ongoing seasoned learning group. In our experience, this enhances the degree and depth of learning for our new trainees, and brings as well a new energy and enthusiasm to the existing group.