Working With The Forces of Destiny

The True Self, The Human Idiom & Following One's Bliss
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“We are all gifted with ‘futures’ – potentials of our true self – which we may or may not realize in the course of time.”

“The true self is the ‘kernel’ (or core) of our being, invested with a ruthless demand to realize its potential through the ‘use of another’ …The true self is our unique form-in-being, or ‘idiom’, that expresses itself through our effect upon the other…a forward momentum that is intrinsic to human formation.”

– Christopher Bollas

Held at our long time training site


Sant Felui de Guixols, Costa Brava, SPAIN



SEPTEMBER 1st – 5th, 2021

1400 Euros

PLEASE NOTE: Cost does NOT include meals & lodging.

Learn How To Work With

The Forces of Destiny:

In Service Of Moving Life Forward

With Irene Tobler & Michael Mervosh

 We will provide 5 Days of Enlivening Depth Work based on the work of Christopher Bollas.

The view from the Hotel Eden Roc on the Costa Brava in Spain.

Some of most our satisfying exchanges come from witnessing our client’s fresh capacity to come from their own aliveness – to bring themselves alive – through their ability to make use of our own personalities and presence as their practitioner.

In this workshop, we will demonstrate and practice this unique and subtle skill of the practitioner – holding the client in mind and in body, in a specific type of receptive and responsive orientation – that allows the client to spontaneously bring forth their as-yet-unlived potential residing in wait, in the core of their being.

“The practitioner embraces the true self expression of their client

through their internal emotional response to its presence.  

The idiom of the client moves through the practitioner’s interior


Enroll NOW For Our New Workshop

Our PSEN Europe Workshop Site

“I have a firm belief in this now, not only in terms of my own experience, but in knowing about the experiences of other people. When you follow your bliss, and by bliss I mean the deep sense of being in it, and doing what the push is out of your own existence – it may not be fun, but it’s your bliss and there’s bliss behind pain too…

You follow that and doors will open where there were no doors before, where you would not have thought there were going to be doors, and where there wouldn’t be a door for anybody else…

There’s something about the integrity of a life and the world moves in and helps. It really does…And so I think the best thing I can say is, Follow Your Bliss. If your bliss is just your fun and excitement, you’re on the wrong track. I mean, you need instruction…Know where your bliss is.

And that involves coming down to a deep place in yourself. 

– Joseph Campbell