Life Force In Motion

The life of the true self is to be found in the person’s experiencing of the world.

What To Know About The Idiom & The True Self

The true self is aliveness itself.

“The spontaneous gesture is evidence of true self.  It is important to stress how this core self is the unique presence of being that each of us is; the idiom of our personality.  We are singular complexities of human being.

The true self exists before object relating.  It is only a potential, however, because it depends upon maternal care and facilitation for its evolution.  No human being is only a true self.  Each inherited disposition meets up with the actual world and one of the outcomes of this exchange between personality idiom and human culture is psychic life.

The psyche is that part of us which represents…the true self’s negotiation with the actual world.  Conflict is essential to the usefulness of the psyche which depends, in part, on the healthy balance of forces between the true self and the actual world.

The idiom of a person is more a set of unique possibilities  specific to this individual and subject in its articulation to the nature of lived experience in the actual world.  

– Christopher Bollas


Gain an in depth understanding, in PSEN language, of our essential, core self – how it already exists, how it can
only be a potential within us that needs certain encounters and exchanges to bring it forth in us.
Work with the dynamic process of  BECOMING ENLIVENED – from the inside out – and discern this enlivenment 
as a sustaining and nourishing process, which differs from the kinds of emotional stimulation and intensity that 
is short lived and ultimately destabilizing.
Move through various areas of human experience that are fundamental forces and sources of our most
meaningful lived experiences – creative expression, movements of aggression, erotic imagining, mutual delight,
and other forms of exchanges that express a ‘celebration’ of life.


We can grow an in-depth understanding that our most embodied sense of being ‘real’ – true to our own core of
being – can only be lived, it can’t really be processed.  We need the ‘people and things of this world’ – objects that
represent and hold meaning for us – to be available for use.  
Being ‘used’ by the client in this way is most essential for their felt sense of aliveness – this is very different from
being objectified or manipulated.  Without an available ‘object’ to use, the true self remains only as a potential
within us; it does not become a life force.  The true self needs certain encounters and exchanges to bring it forth in us.

There is a need for greater recognition and appreciation for being able to help another person gain access to the felt sense of their own deeper being – their aliveness and realness – through that person’s ability to freely make use of our personality, our presence, our imagination, our emotional aliveness and responsiveness – an exchange of life force in motion.

“The psyche is that part of us which represents … the exchange of true self negotiation with the actual world.  Conflict is essential to the usefulness of the psyche which depends, in part, on the healthy balance of forces between the true self and the actual world.”

– Christopher Bollas


At this particular PSEN workshop, we will cultivate a strong communal, participatory presence.  We will practice embodied meditations together, think about new psychological ideas together, enter into dyadic sessions together, do embodied movements together, and perhaps even sing & dance together – all those things that create opportunities for each person’s ‘idiom’ to be lived, and for our life force to be ‘put into motion’.

We will have ample opportunities to ‘become more capable of who we already are’, by making spaces where we are more able to make use of one another as available, living, responsive human beings.

Of course, there will also be extended break and lunch times, opportunties to you deeper into yourself in word-less and more fundamental ways, with enough integration time for deep experienes to take root in your being.


“The fashioning of life is something like an aesthetic: a form revealed through one’s way of being.  I think there is a particular urge to fashion a life, and this destiny drive is the ceaseless effort to select and use objects in order to give lived expression to one’s true self.  Perhaps the creativity of a human lifetime is the talent in articulating one’s idiom.  If the person continues to be and feel true to to him or herself (not living compliantly) and is surprised by the continuing elaboration of the self, then one is fulfilling one’s destiny..”

The material on this page is taken from Forces of Destiny: Psychoanalysis & The Human Idiom, by Christopher Bollas.